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Журналы: Гость_Aleks ->
12 ноября 2014
 11:26    12MORNING THOUGHTS Ask Him in your
Ask Him in your morning meditation what you can do each day for the man who is still sick.
For many years I pondered over God's will for me, believing that perhaps a great destiny had been ordained for my life. After all, having been born into a specific faith, hadn't I been told early that I was "chosen"? It finally occurred to me, as I considered the above passage, that God's will for me was simply that I practice Step Twelve on a daily basis. Furthermore, I realized I should do this to the best of my ability. I soon learned that the practice aids me in keeping my life in the context of the day at hand

Комментарий Гость_Aleks - 12.11.2014 - 10:30:
попал... а русской шпарлгалки в открытом еще нету user posted image
Комментарий Гость_Aleks - 25.11.2014 - 21:11:
надо заходить в насегодняшний день (сам с собой разговариваю, чтобы не забыть). rolleyes.gif

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